Balfa lovers' message board

Did/would you switch your Balfa for another bike?
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Author:  Wooyek [ 13 Apr 2009, 15:18 ]
Post subject:  Did/would you switch your Balfa for another bike?

Have you had a Balfa bike and changed it for something else (od planning to)? Tell us what made you do that stupid thing ;) and if it was worth it!

To be honest, I thought about changing my BB7 for Giant Glory or Iron Horse Sunday once. It's because I'm amateur downhiller, so I brake much - and multi-pivot suspensions are definitely better in this field than single-pivots (they don't stiffen up under braking). But finally I've decided to concentrate on searching floating brake adapter for my BB7 rather than selling the frame - I think it was wise decision (though I still can't buy this floater anywhere) ;)

Author:  nelsonjm [ 13 Apr 2009, 20:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Did/would you switch your Balfa for another bike?

Canfield brothers Formula 1 Jedi:

That will be my next bike after I figure out how to kill my BB7. :lol:

Author:  Wooyek [ 13 Apr 2009, 21:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Did/would you switch your Balfa for another bike?

This won't be easy ;) Why don't you just sell it or leave it in the garage for the moment, when you figure out, that it's just better than the Canfield? ;)

Author:  BB7 Lover [ 17 Apr 2009, 14:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Did/would you switch your Balfa for another bike?

I used to have a Kona Stinky and it broke at Whistler. So I then built up my 2001 BB7 I had stuffed under my bed. I loved it sooooooooooo much that I searched high and low for a 2004 BB7 frame. Found one used from a french fellow in my neighborhood, and now I have never looked back. This is my last bike. I have been involved in this sport since 1984 and have seen it all. Most of the stuff they build these days is marketing crap.

Author:  AlexM [ 05 May 2009, 02:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Did/would you switch your Balfa for another bike?

upon taking apart my swingarm and finding my pivot plates all worn and ovalized, im a bit bummed on my bb7 i just bought, it also has a crack(rear brakeside stay) thats been repaired by some grease monkey mechanic, so i gotta take it in to get gusseted, list of things is piling up!

but tell me its worth it haha

Author:  BoardBum [ 14 May 2009, 14:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Did/would you switch your Balfa for another bike?

The bb7 is my first bike ever, have ridden a few other bikes but nothing that make me good at comparing it to other bikes.

However i would love to have the new SuperCo or maybe an Appalache Real :)

Author:  bomberdarran [ 06 Jul 2009, 11:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Did/would you switch your Balfa for another bike?

I have to say that my 2step is staying with me, it may be an older bike now bit it still matches up to all the new stuff coming out today, I am still to find a bike that feels any better on the downhill trails. Ok it isnt a downhill bike but it can be ridden back to the top of the trails and downhill trails seem to be changing into something that suits 6" bikes a lot more.

Thankfully i dont suffer from the brakes binding up the suspension, it just works really well.

I find the 2step timeless as well, only a small number of people know what they are so they never really date and thankfully look unique.

Author:  johndb [ 28 Jul 2009, 15:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Did/would you switch your Balfa for another bike?

I just switched my faithful old Belair for a shiny new Xprezo Wuuu and I have to say it is a HUGE improvement.
The Wuuu out-classes the Belair in every department - geometry is much more sorted.
I loved my Belair, but there really is no looking back now!

Author:  tartosuc [ 23 Jan 2012, 14:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Did/would you switch your Balfa for another bike?

I used to own a belair, a bb7, a bobunum.

In all honensty they were great bikes in their times.

The bb7 could still be a geat dh bike with a few tweaks.
the belair was ahead of it time but in todays standard thre are way better bikes in the market.

I recently bought a 2step frame for my stepbrother..a great bike, thats is the only balfa bike i would still ride if I had bought oe in the past.

I now ride a canfiled bros ONE for trail/am and a Canfiled bros jedi for DH..the jedi reminds me of my bb7 in some way.

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